SLAP Repair


  • To repair the damaged origin of the long head of biceps tendon.


  Post op
<3 Weeks

Mobility  1 exercises


Wean off sling over first 3 weeks

Teach postural awareness and scapular setting

Assess kinetic chain control and provide exercises as required 

Regain scapula & glenohumeral stability working for shoulder joint control rather than range

Passive ROM as tolerated

Progress to Active Assisted Motion as tolerated

Closed Chain exercises as

Core stabiliity exercises with sling (as appropriate)

3 Weeks

Mobility 2 exercises

Progress to active gleno-humeral flexion, abduction, internal and external rotation

Scapular stabiliser exercises

Strengthen rotator cuff muscles

posterior complex stretching

Increase proprioception through open & closed chain exercise

6 Weeks


Ensure posterior capsule mobility

Manual therapy if indicated to eliminate any stiffness

Assess biceps function and add in eccentric biceps exercises with scapula control if required Assess biceps function and add in eccentric biceps exercises with scapula control if required

Assess biceps function and add in eccentric biceps exercises with scapula control if required

Assess biceps function and add in eccentric biceps exercises with scapula control if required

Progress to Sports-Specific Rehab





Week 6

Full Active range of elevation

Week 12

Full active range of movement with dynamic scapula stability throughout range (Concentric and eccentric)

Return to functional activities

Return to work            Sedentary job: as tolerated

                                    Manual job:      6-12 weeks*

Driving                        3-6 weeks

Swimming                   Breaststroke:   3 weeks

                                    Freestyle:        6 weeks

Golf                             6 weeks

Lifting                         Light lifting can begin at 3 weeks. 

                                   Avoid lifting heavy items for 3 months.

Contact Sport             E.g. Horse riding, rugby, football, martial arts,

                                     racquet sports and rock climbing: 6-12 weeks*